
Tuesday 2 November 2021

100 piece

One day jack went hunting he was in the forest where he caught all of his hunting he normally uses a gun but not this time he is using the bola and the bow and arrow he went to his spot were he got his bunny rabbits he was waiting for about half an hour until he saw what he came for the bunny was drinking out of the Creek as jack as jack gets ready to throw his bola he threw his bola and it raped around the bunny's legs he could move the bunny was struggling but he finally got out

THE End... 

The bola is something the native Americans used to give them a chance to kill there pray. It can be used on birds and land animals.

Monday 13 September 2021



Thursday 2 September 2021

My dog.

 To day i walked my dog because the other night he got attacked by the Neighbours dog when we were walking him he has some bad cuts on his legs and and his forehead. So he is not allowed out of our sight. because he might go over to the dog again. Yesterday we took him to the beach below our house and put some salt water on his cuts because its good and makes them heel. In the mornings Gus my dog likes to lie in the sun for a while so we put a lead on him and he goes out there.


I think i did good because we take good care of Gus.

What I found difficult i found keeping Gus in sight was hard.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

My Painting.

 This week on Monday i made a painting i try to mimic the ocean view from my house here is some of the thing i tried to add in. 

  • The trees behind the sand dunes.
  • The sand the ocean the island in the middle is not finished yet.
  • The beach.
  • the water.
  • and the sun set is not there yet.
  • and the white bits of white wash
those are the thing i tried to add in to my painting .

He here is my painting:


What I think i did good. i think i did good because i shaded the colours in with my painting. 

What was difficult shading the colours was difficult..

What i can work on next time. I can work on finishing my painting on time. 


Have you ever done a painting?

Tuesday 31 August 2021

My writing for the week.

On Monday we had to do a narrative piece of writing. the prompt was the race I had just done a motor biking blog post so I did a motor biking blog post. 

Zack's eyes concentrated on only one thing, the path in front of him he had to win this race he had practiced his whole life for at this moment. His family was struggling financially so they needed to get the money to pay their mortgage off. And keep their farm. It was a family generation farm so it's been through his whole family and now he cannot lose it. Boop Boop Boop. The race starts and Zack zooms off with the horde of motor bikes. At this point Zack is in 4th place he is up against the best motorbikes in the world so he has a competition. They have to do 35 laps to win the race. Zack is in 3rd place now he is doing well clank clunk ahhhh!!!! Zack fell off his bike luckily he wasn't hurt but it put him in 13th place so he jumped back on his bike and tried to catch up. He was catching up slowly at one point he got to 5th but then he went to 4TH!!! He had 5 more laps to catch up and he had a good mind set. So he was positive that he would win. 3 laps to go The crowd cheered as Zack was in 2 place. “ I have to win. Come on, I can do this. Have a good mindset” Zack said in his head. Last lap people the crowd was going crazy. Zack was trying his hardest to get to first. 10.










 Zack had overtaken the person on the last second he won that was a big help for his family. 

His family was all proud of him that he won.

Monday 30 August 2021

What i did in the weekends.

 W.A.L.T to upload our writing to our blog posts.

On the weekends we went to the horses and to give them some feed and my mum needed her brakes changed so bill is very helpful because he is a good mechanic so he helped my mum change her brakes. We are a bubble with them so we can keep moving the hoses and feeding them. We rid the motor bikes while mum was doing the brakes Kael and Tahly were riding the motor bikes first me and Zeb were on the quad following Tahly on the motor bike because she is the smallest of us. we had to follow her because she could hurt from falling off. A few hours after riding our bike WERE MUDDY and we were quiet middy as well. when we were done we got some tap and putt numbers on our motor bikes mine and Kaels was 17 and Zeb and Tahlys was 11 then Kael took it for one last ride before we washed them. We washed them then we feed the horses With:

  • Molasses. 
  •  grains. 
  • charf.
All of that together is hard feed.

Have you ever ridden a motor bike?

Friday 27 August 2021

My writing

 “Bye dad bye see you. Have a good trip I will Vroom and off joey went he was off on a trip to the pacific island’s In the oc For a job he is someone that makes roads and railways for cars and trains. Woosh woosh woah the wind is definitely picking up kabang wow that was lightning there is probably a storm rolling in better warn the family were my phone. At that moment a big wave comes into the boat and his phone goes out the bouw of the boat. At this point his boat was pointing high in the sky and sinking. Noo ah... Where am I ugh AHHHHHH what are you standing in his face was big tall creature with big wing a long beak and i was shaped like it could swim underwater like a torpedo and fly in the air.Joey gets up and sprints to a nearby cave he hides there for a few minutes wondering how he didn't die then he realized that the bird was  was shaped like it could swim underwater like a torpedo and fly in the air like a bird. Wait a minute the bird saved me, th that's crazy. Joey creeps out off the cave but it was not there then he sees a DARK GLOOMY SHADOW OVER HIM he turns around and he sees the amazing creature he takes notice of its colors and then he asks can you take me home ah what am I thinking I'm going crazy all ready he look at the bird and it nods at him wait you understand me… Yay this is what it's like to fly chomp. A big megalodon comes and ends their lives.

The End.

By Enzog.

Friday 6 August 2021




Tuesday 3 August 2021

My actions.

 W.AL.T Reduce Reuse Recycle. 

To day we had to make some thing to tell people our action.

Here is my actions:

My actions can be turning off all the light when its bright. Switch off the TV at the wall when your not using it. When i go for a walk on the beach pick up every single peace of rubbish i see. When I go fishing we putt the small fish back when you go fishing so they can grow up and produce more fish also you can put the BIG FISH back so they can produce more fish. 

What we can help with.

we can help by buying electric vehicles such as: 

1. Electric cars. 

2. Electric bikes. 

3. Use solar panels.


What i think I did good by putting lots of writing.



Tuesday 27 July 2021

Multiples And factors.

 Multiples And factors.

W.A.L.T upload our working and talk about it.

To day we had to do some question on Multiples And factors we under stand it we watched a video.

 I think i did good.
I think i could work on putting more links in. 

Thursday 24 June 2021

my opinion about Matariki being a public holiday.

W.A.L.T turn off my blog posts and write about them.
Yes I would like matariki to be a public holiday because it is another day off school. 
And we could all go some were to go have a festival and have fun and make flax kites and eat food and stuff.

Here is a picture:

Monday 14 June 2021

Review on the book Jedi Academy a New class.

 Today for our blog post we had to do a review of a book we read we had to describe what it is about. My book is Jedi Academy a New class.

Here is a little Explanation of what it is about: 

The original series focuses on the adventures of Roan Novachez, a young boy from Tatooine who learns to his surprise that he is sensitive in the Force and has been invited to attend Jedi Academy at the Jedi Temple of Coruscant.

Here is a picture of the book:

I think i did good because I haven't done a review on a book.
I think i could of done better by doing a bigger book.

Have you Read this book before.



Tuesday 1 June 2021

Reading Blogging task.

W.A.L.T I am learning to upload my learning tasks and write about them. 

For Reading today we had to do a character table in that character table we had to do the persons traits and there Motives. We had to do there Relationships so in the book the grandfather is related to hew the kid. Then we had to do What changes like in the story the grandfather got sick and he could not go fishing any more so he could not catch fish for his family. Here is a picture of the character table:



I think I could of done more character traits in my task.

I did good because I have never done a character table before.


Have you done a character table before?

Monday 24 May 2021


 W.A.L.T I am learning to upload my learning tasks to my blog and write about them.
I Enjoy riding the motor bikes It takes strength and Intelligence the main thing you have do is be aware of whats going to happen next. because if you don't do that you will be like flooring it down a straight and there is corner coming up and you go to fast and crash. I have just learnt to ride a bigger motor bike I was riding jr 80 now I,m riding a fmx 140 It has a incredible amount of power it has the motor of a fmx 140 but it's psychically the size of drz 125.

This is the bike I ride:

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Hydroelectric power

 We did a screencastify today about Hydroelectric power. Watch Below: 

Reflection I think I could do better by searching more.
I did good Because I have never posted a screencastify before.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Inspirational person slide show.


For the next inquiry task we had to create a Inspirational person slide show this mine above. My inspirational person is Ben townley. He is a famous motorbike rider i ride motorbikes so he is cool for me.    I started riding at 4-5                      

Friday 9 April 2021

Short cut Quiz.

  W.A.L.T We are Learning how to classify shortcuts to navigate my device and Google apps to help me to do things faster.

For cyber smart this week we had to create a short cut Quiz up above is the Quiz.

I think i could do better next time by putting more Questions.

I think i did good because it was one of the first times i made a Quiz.

Thursday 8 April 2021

Decimal Quiz.

 W.A.L.T understanding decimal addition and subtraction. 

For this week maths we had to create a decimal Quiz:

We had to create it on Quiz-let it was confusing at the start because it said term and definition but not Question and answer. But I got it because I went to the teacher and he helped me understand 

Wednesday 7 April 2021

How animals find food


the purpose of the story is how animals find food what words does a does the author used to describe the event and story descriptive words 

the characters are animals and all shapes and sizes the cities are in the water coral reef and grassland, Lakes, trees, Rivers, swamps, Forest and Savannah's


How they find food what are the differences in the animals and what are the similar differences what food they eat and food chains

what are some things you remember from the text all living things need energy to survive to get food animals may   hunt in grasslands dive deep or catch food in ear animals adapt to changing climates very fast


The blue tongue lizard is similar to the bullfrog because they have the same technique to catch food. They sit and wait then when the time is ready the tongue lunges out and grabs the food. They are also reptiles which means cold blooded animals.

extended abstract

this is a screencastify about how praying mantice use the camouflage ability to catch prey.

Trail of the taniwha

    On the trail of a Taniwha

Unistructural What is the purpose of the story. To see a Taniwha. What words does the author describe the event in action? He uses descriptive words. What are the settings and who are the character the characters are Sue, Joseph, Bernie, Amanda settings in a valley grass River.


Three things I remember from the text is The Name of the school St Joseph School, That they are going to see the art on the walls of Taniwha Very few histories of rock art have survived.

summary of the main parts in the story. They go to see the Taniwha rock and learn all about it, and they also get taught how to protect the land.


Why do you think it is important that stories are passed down from generations. So we can cherish it because it 

would be special to us and we can also learn from them 

about the Maori people and its history.

   On the trail of a Taniwha

Unistructural What is the purpose of the story. To see a Taniwha. What words does the author describe the event in action? He uses descriptive words. What are the settings and who are the character the characters are Sue, Joseph, Bernie, Amanda settings in a valley grass River.


Three things I remember from the text is The Name of the school St Joseph School, That they are going to see the art on the walls of Taniwha Very few histories of rock art have survived.

summary of the main parts in the story. They go to see the Taniwha rock and learn all about it, and they also get taught how to protect the land.


Why do you think it is important that stories are passed down from generations. So we can cherish it because it 

would be special to us and we can also learn from them 

about the Maori people and its history.

Monday 29 March 2021

Red Hot Racers.


  • The purpose of this story is explaining how fast the cars go and how they were made.

  • The characters are Andy Alex and Jerry louise. 

  •   To teach you how the cars go.

If you want a car to go fast you have to have a good car shape because you think if it is fat and heavy its not going to go.



Friday 26 March 2021

Spelling. term one.


This year we have a different teacher m'r action. on Every Friday this term we have new spelling words.

My score for this term added all up is 36 how do you think i did one thing i have improved on is my spelling big words because i can remember the letters. one thing i need to improve on is basic spelling words. 

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Sailing Experience.

 Yesterday we had an amazing sailing experience at tiapa sailing club. The group 1 were sailing first the group two were doing land activity's. I enjoyed sailing because I have never been sailing before me and my buddy Danny did pretty good he was a bit nervous but I helped him calm down we got some speed when the wind blew. We got towed back into shore with the little boat there was about three boats tied together there was an Uneven number so there was four getting towed.

The onshore activity's were fun we had to do an activity that included tying knots like the reef knot and all other knots I forgot the rest.    

the was so fun we all wanted to jump of the wharf but we did not have time I really wanted to capsize the boat but we did not because it was out of Danny's comfort zone then we went to the beach while the were getting pulled in an i got berried and turned into a mermaid i was very humiliated ha but it was funny.     

Tuesday 16 March 2021

What makes a good leader.

To become a leader you have to be Kind Responsible and let your team have a say. You also have to demonstrate perseverance and don't don't give up and have a good attitude.

A good leader demonstrates the following qualities

  • Show kindness 
  • He or she has to have a good scene of humour
  • You need to let your team have a say
  • And you don't give up for your team
A leader I respect is Ben Townley because he encourages me to be a good motocross rider.

Ben townley is good for his skill.

Monday 1 March 2021

Goal setting Term one

Goal setting. This term we are focusing on goal setting we have 2 stretch goals one home goal and one strength goal.

1. I want to get better at using my 6 times tables.

2.I want to get 10 out of ten  on my spelling.
3.I want to get good at my rounding.

4.I will try and not complain about my chores.

how can i achieve these goals?

I can achieve these goals by promising really hard.

Monday 15 February 2021

What i did on the weekend

 What i did on the weekend 

On the weekend at my dads, we Were feeding the eels. the eels were Extremely hungry.

We would try and catch them with some string and some Chicken bones But they were Extremely smart. They would Suck the meat off our bones until we had no more meat. We tried to flick them up onto the bank but thes eels are very fast. We named all of the eels what suited them. 

1. scar 

2. Deathroll

3. Chomp

4. Gangster

5. Snapy   

I think there were more, but I forgot. 

We also have a gigantic rope swing, that if you go from the top of the hill by the tree, you go like 6 meters in the air. it's super cool. 

we go down to the creek all the time.

 There's a pine forest across from the creek, we went in there the other weekend and made a camouflage hut. we almost got lost in those pines actually. We were thinking about buying a little wooden boat or a little inflatable boat or a steel boat so we can paddle out to the middle of the creek and jump off and do some bombs and go EEling off it.